Cotton Picking Friends

My dear friend is a farmers wife, and even though I was raised in the south I am always learning something new from her about life on the farm.  On this particular day we met for coffee and prayer as she shared an urgent prayer request with both myself and another friend from Ohio.  Her husband […]

Good is Always an Enemy of Best!

It is that time of the year when high school seniors are busy preparing graduation announcements, signing year books and discussing future plans. What a busy but exciting time! My oldest will be entering the 11th grade so I realize we are very close to this pivotal point in life as well, but I admit […]

Jesus Loves the Little Children

I was intently listening to the beautiful voice of my sweet friend who was singing like an angel as usual in our worship service that morning; lost in my own moment of rejoicing. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a small figure moving toward the front of the church, and I […]